Question of the Day – Which breakout session was most helpful?

Question of the Day – Which breakout session was most helpful?
Dr. Ted Thomas  and Mr. James Thomas discuss their paper titled “Stewardship in the Army and Stewarding the State” during the breakout sessions of the 2015 Fort Leavenworth Ethics Symposium.

Breakout sessions began at 1 p.m. today in the 2015 Fort Leavenworth Ethics Symposium. Eleven breakouts representing eleven topics were on the schedule.

The question of the day for symposium attendees:

Of the breakout sessions you attended, which was the most helpful and why?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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One thought on “Question of the Day – Which breakout session was most helpful?

  1. Stewardship in the Army and Stewardship toward the state was helpful for me, because it give the insight of adhering to the 5 essential characteristics of the Army Profession. That is for example, exposing sexual harassment and lawfully dealing with it guarantee trust from the nation.

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