Mission Update

Mission Update

CGSC Foundation Alumni, Friends, and Supporters –

Greetings from Fort Leavenworth! As the leaves are turning and the chilly weather of fall is upon us, folks here at the College are in full mission execution mode and beginning to plan for the upcoming holiday season. Despite some COVID-19 force protection measures still in effect, all of the Schools within the College are delivering curriculum via in-person and distributed learning environments.

Likewise, our Foundation continues to execute our mission in support of the College and the Fort Leavenworth community. In the area of scholarship and enhancing the academic experience, this academic year we have provided the AY2022 Colin Powell Lecturer, former advisor to the President for National Security, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) H.R. McMaster, who delivered a well-received professional development presentation to both CGSS and SAMS students and faculty; the monthly InterAgency Brown Bag Lecture Series presentations; and, support to the CGSC International Hall of Fame.

In the area of outreach and connecting Americans with the College and their military, we have re-tooled our Simons Center, enhancing the mission by expanding our area of interest into interagency leadership as well as interagency cooperation and by refreshing the look and utility of our website. I invite you to visit the site. We are bringing on board the expertise of Fellows and will be conducting activities that will increase our prominence in the interagency community. Watch for some exciting events and activities coming in the near future. We also conducted a Distinguished Lecture Series event featuring Lt. Gen. (Ret.) H.R. McMaster in Kansas City as well as our fourth presentation (and first in-person) of the Arter-Rowland National Security Forum. Membership to the Forum is currently open and you are welcome to join.

In the area of Soldier and Family support we continue to enhance the quality of life for military families by providing books and materials for youth reading programs to the Skelton Library; we partnered with the International Military Student Division and the Rod & Gun Club to sponsor the International Military Family Fishing Derby conducted at Merritt Lake on Fort Leavenworth; and we are now operating the Gift Shop in the Fort’s Frontier Army Museum. The Museum is an integral landmark of the fort for both residents and visitors and we are proud to be able to offer a first-class gift shop operation in support of the Museum visit experience. If you have not been to the Frontier Army Museum, or have not visited in a while, I invite you to do so.

As we look to the near future, your Foundation will continue to perform our mission albeit with COVID-19 restrictions. Here’s a list of some of the things we have planned:

•  We will provide the monthly InterAgency Brown Bag Lecture Series presentations and various distinguished speakers that will enhance CGSOC and SAMS’ curricula here at the College.

•  Off-post we will host a Cold War Symposium commemorating the 30th anniversary of the end of the Cold War with four events beginning in November (Nov. 9) and continuing in to the spring.

•  We have scheduled another Simons Center Distinguished Lecture Series presentation (Nov. 18) with a book author discussing lessons learned from the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars. Tickets to both the Cold War Symposium and the SCDLS are available here at our website.

•  We will continue our support to the Wreaths Across America effort to put wreaths on more than 900 graves here at the Fort’s National Cemetery. – Watch for news on upcoming events and keep Saturday, Dec. 18 open for the date to join us as we place wreaths and honor the fallen.

•  Last, watch for the upcoming issue of our Foundation News magazine. If you don’t receive your copy in the mail, contact us.

Thank you for your continued support. Despite the impact of COVID-19 your donations allow our Foundation to provide programs and services that positively impact the College and our community: support to international military families, youth reading programs, FMWR activities, and programs that enhance the educational experience and quality of life for the CGSC students, faculty, and staff. Your support makes a difference!

As an IRS designated 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit educational foundation, donations made to the CGSC Foundation are, depending on your personal circumstance, eligible for deduction on your taxes. We need your support now more than ever. Help us continue to provide the margin of excellence.

As always, I encourage you to not only support our efforts with your donations, but to attend Foundation events and be part of the good work. I welcome your feedback.

Stay safe.

Roderick M. Cox
President/Chief Executive Officer
CGSC Foundation, Inc.

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