IRC Berkley Lecture March 16

IRC Berkley Lecture March 16

Secretary Chuck Hagel, the former Secretary of Defense (2013-15) and U.S. Senator from Nebraska (1997-2009), will present on the global rebalance of power as part of the International Relations Council’s annual Berkley Lecture on Tuesday, March 16, 2021. The IRC will host the presentation online via Zoom 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. (Central).IRC Berkley Lecture, March 16, 2021, with Secretary Chuck Hagel on Zoom.

Hagel’s lecture is entitled “The Global Rebalance of Power.” In recent years, adjusted tariffs and trade, leadership transitions, peace and conflict, and shifting ambitions and alliances around the world have left their impact on the international community. Hagel will address the significance of where the world is and is headed in that environment.

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