News Releases

Partner Spotlight- DuraComm

Partner Spotlight- DuraComm
DuraComm is selected as the CGSC Foundation’s Corporate Partner for July 2015. Conducting outreach and fostering strong relationships between the military and the private sector are key components of the Foundation’s mission support to the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. DuraComm’s support to the “Celebration of International Friendship”… Read More

SECDEF July 4 Message

SECDEF July 4 Message
(As Written by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Washington, D.C.) As we celebrate Independence Day, I want to thank the men and women who serve our nation at home and abroad for all that you do to help keep America safe. When George Washington issued one of his first general… Read More

Deputy Commandant promoted, reassigned

Deputy Commandant promoted, reassigned
  The Command and General Staff College conducted a Promotion and Relinquishment of Responsibility Ceremony for Major General Christopher P. Hughes, deputy commandant, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College; and deputy commanding general, leader development and education. Maj. Gen. Hughes was promoted on June 5, 2015 at the Lewis… Read More

SAMS graduates 126

SAMS graduates 126
“I called you SAMS leaders for a reason” Maj. Gen. Wayne Grigsby told the graduates of The U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies. The school graduated 126 officers, including 15 international officers from 11 countries, and six federal civilian employees representing four federal agencies at the Lewis and Clark… Read More