News Releases

Trying to understand the Middle East topic of latest ARNSF

Trying to understand the Middle East topic of latest ARNSF
The CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center hosted an Arter-Rowland National Security Forum luncheon event on Feb. 15, 2024, at the Carriage Club in Kansas City. The event featured a presentation entitled “Crisis in the Middle East: Understanding America’s Hotel California.” Simons Center Director Bob Ulin welcomed the ARNSF members and welcomed… Read More

ARNSF features presentation on change management through the lens of WWI

ARNSF features presentation on change management through the lens of WWI
The CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center kicked off the new year with an Arter-Rowland National Security Forum luncheon event on Jan. 18, 2024, at the Carriage Club in Kansas City. Simons Center Director Bob Ulin welcomed the ARNSF members and their guests. After lunch, he introduced the guest speaker Col. (Ret.)… Read More

National Wreaths Across America to match all wreath sponsorships through Jan. 16

National Wreaths Across America to match all wreath sponsorships through Jan. 16
On Dec. 16, 2023 National Wreaths Across America Day, the CGSC Foundation helped honor veterans’ graves at the Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery with wreaths of remembrance. Immediately afterward, the national Wreaths Across America headquarters announced it would match all wreath sponsorships for 2024 from Dec. 16-Jan. 16. The Wreaths Across… Read More

National Wreaths Across America Day 2023 offers chance to honor veterans

National Wreaths Across America Day 2023 offers chance to honor veterans
On Dec. 16, 2023 National Wreaths Across America Day, the CGSC Foundation helped honor veterans’ graves at the Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery with wreaths of remembrance. The morning began with the arrival of the wreaths in Walmart trucks escorted by VFW riders and other volunteers. Walmart provides transportation for Wreaths… Read More

ARNSF features preview of new Cold War book

ARNSF features preview of new Cold War book
The CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center hosted an Arter-Rowland National Security Forum luncheon event on Dec. 7, 2023, at the Carriage Club in Kansas City. Simons Center Director Bob Ulin welcomed the ARNSF members, some of whom also introduced their guests. As the lunch period was winding down Simons Center Deputy… Read More

Distinguished Speaker Series event features preview of Cold War book

Distinguished Speaker Series event features preview of Cold War book
The CGSC Foundation and its Simons Center hosted the third and final lecture of the 2023 Distinguished Speaker Series at the Riverfront Community Center in downtown Leavenworth, Kansas on Nov. 29, 2023. In this installment of the series, Dr. Mark Wilcox and Dr. Sean Kalic, professors at the U.S. Army… Read More

Giving Tuesday, Nov. 28

Giving Tuesday, Nov. 28
Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that encourages and inspires people to do good, give back, and celebrate generosity. This Giving Tuesday, Nov. 28, the CGSC Foundation invites you to join our mission to support the Soldiers, families, faculty, and staff of the U.S. Army Command and General… Read More