News Releases

Arter-Rowland National Security Forum features presentation on virtual warfare

Arter-Rowland National Security Forum features presentation on virtual warfare
The CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center hosted an Arter-Rowland National Security Forum luncheon event on Feb. 24, 2022, at the Carriage Club in Kansas City. Simons Center Director Bob Ulin welcomed the ARNSF members, some of whom also introduced their guests, and then introduced retired Col. Steve Banach who provided the… Read More

Global Supply Chain issues subject of recent Arter-Rowland National Security Forum

Global Supply Chain issues subject of recent Arter-Rowland National Security Forum
The CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center hosted an Arter-Rowland National Security Forum luncheon event on Jan. 27, 2022, at the Carriage Club in downtown Kansas City. In this presentation of the forum, Mr. Keith Prather, one of the founders and managing directors of Armada Corporate Intelligence, served as a panelist to… Read More

Deputy to the Commanding General presents InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture

Deputy to the Commanding General presents InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture
The fourth presentation of the InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture Series for CGSC academic year 2022 was conducted Jan. 20, in the Arnold Conference Room of the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth. Mr. Michael D. Formica, deputy to the commanding general, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth, began… Read More