
Kansas City Federal Executive Board presents at latest InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture

Kansas City Federal Executive Board presents at latest InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture
The fourth lecture of the InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture Series for CGSC academic year 2023 was conducted Jan. 18, in the Arnold Conference Room in the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth. CGSC Foundation President/CEO Rod Cox provided welcoming remarks and introduced Mr. Larry A. Hisle, executive director of the… Read More

InterAgency Journal 12-2

InterAgency Journal 12-2
With the 2022 Spring issue of the InterAgency Journal, the CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center was very excited to once again be publishing its peer-reviewed journal for the community. In addition to articles from the wider interagency community, this issue of the Interagency Journal contains several articles from Command and General… Read More

Foreign ownership of U.S. food and agricultural assets topic of latest ARNSF

Foreign ownership of U.S. food and agricultural assets topic of latest ARNSF
The CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center hosted an Arter-Rowland National Security Forum (ARNSF) luncheon event on Dec. 1, 2022, at the Carriage Club in Kansas City. Simons Center Director Bob Ulin welcomed the ARNSF members, some of whom also introduced their guests, and then introduced the guest speaker. In this presentation… Read More

Giving Tuesday – For Soldiers, For Families, For the Nation

Giving Tuesday – For Soldiers, For Families, For the Nation
This has been an exciting year. While things have not quite returned to “normal,” your CGSC Foundation has resumed and expanded programs previously halted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we’ve proudly sponsored and participated in events in support of the greater Fort Leavenworth community. Our lecture series are back on… Read More

Federal Executive Board topic of Arter-Rowland National Security Forum

Federal Executive Board topic of Arter-Rowland National Security Forum
The CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center hosted an Arter-Rowland National Security Forum luncheon event on Nov. 17, 2022, at the Carriage Club in Kansas City. Simons Center Director Bob Ulin welcomed the ARNSF members, some of whom also introduced their guests, and then introduced the guest speaker, Larry A. Hisle. In… Read More