Simons Center hosts first InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture

Simons Center hosts first InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture
The Simons Center for Interagency Cooperation and the U.S. Army Command and General Staff School hosted the first lecture in their new series yesterday afternoon. The inaugural lecture in the InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture Series, titled “Interagency Cooperation and Country Team Operations,” featured Ambassador (Ret.) David Lambertson and Lt. Gen. (Ret.)… Read More

InterAgency Journal 7-2 (Summer 2016)

InterAgency Journal 7-2 (Summer 2016)
From theories of international relations, to incorporating cultural considerations into training and education efforts with internationals, to a look at the ethics of espionage and covert action, the Summer 2016 edition of the Simons Center’s InterAgency Journal offers a variety of topics for interagency practitioners and others. Is the U.S.… Read More