Roundtable program kicks off

Roundtable program kicks off
The U.S. Army Command and General Staff College’s Department of Joint, Interagency and Multinational Operations (DJIMO) and the CGSC Foundation are cohosting a National Security Roundtable program Nov. 29-30, 2016 at the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The program kicked off tonight with a welcome by CGSC… Read More

DJIMO professor travels to Myanmar

DJIMO professor travels to Myanmar
Editors Note: In August 2016, Dr. Geoff Babb, an associate professor in CGSC’s Department of Joint Multinational and Interagency Operations, accompanied a 20-person element of the 1st Battalion, The Royal Gurkha Rifles on a battlefield study program to Burma (Myanmar). – This is his report. I first traveled to Burma… Read More