National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency topic of latest InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency topic of latest InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture
In the fifth InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture on Jan. 26, Mr. Ralph M. Erwin, Senior Geospatial Intelligence Officer, led a discussion on the roles and missions of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and how it serves as both a combat support agency under the Department of Defense and an intelligence agency… Read More

Foundation 2016 ‘Hotwash’

Foundation 2016 ‘Hotwash’
The Foundation completed its tenth year of service in 2016 on a number of high notes. For such a small staff, we packed a lot into the year. We believe that we had success in supporting the Foundation mission and we hope you believe that as well. As we completed… Read More

InterAgency Journal 7-3 (Fall 2016)

InterAgency Journal 7-3 (Fall 2016)
The fall edition of the Simons Center’s InterAgency Journal offers interagency practitioners and others a variety of topics to explore. – How can we maximize collaboration between federal organizations? How do you change organizational behaviors and culture? Where do our national security interests and the responsibility to protect vulnerable populations… Read More

Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Happy Holidays to you and yours!
The holidays are upon us, whether we’re ready or not! The CGSC classes let out last Friday and the students won’t return until January 3. I was in the food court today as instructors discussed their final grading requirements before they too head out for some well-deserved time off. It’s… Read More