Park University reps take ‘Walk and Talk’ tour

Park University reps take ‘Walk and Talk’ tour
On Nov. 16 the CGSC Foundation hosted Lorraine Moore, Park University’s development director, and Sarah Weygand, assistant director of Park University’s Global Warrior Center, on a walk and talk tour. According to Foundation Director of Development Joan Cabell, the CGSC Foundation and Park University enjoy a wonderful partnership and the… Read More

Turning the page

Turning the page
On Nov. 15 and 16, the staff and trustees of the CGSC Foundation gathered for a dinner and a reception to honor the service of Foundation President and CEO Doug Tystad and Foundation Director of Operations Ann Soby. Soby officially retired from her position on Nov. 16 and Tystad will… Read More

What do YOU owe the world?

What do YOU owe the world?
Six months ago the CGSC Foundation and the Jewish Community Center were interested in a partnership and program around ethics. Once the discussions begain, Dr. Shannon French, the General Hugh Shelton Distinguished Visiting Chair in Ethics for the CGSC Foundation, was invited to join and help create a program called… Read More