Continuing the mission…

Continuing the mission…
CGSC Foundation Friends and Supporters – As we enter the holiday season of what is a unique and challenging year, please take a moment to reflect on all for which we have to be thankful. Because of you and folks like you, both currently and in the past, we enjoy… Read More

No. 27/Fall 2020 (November)

No. 27/Fall 2020 (November)
In this edition we bring you not only a detailed piece about Lt. Gen. Arter, but also updates from CGSC Commandant Lt. Gen. Rainey and the leadership of the Command and General Staff School, the Department of Distance Education, and the School for Advanced Military Studies. We’ve also started “Alumni… Read More

Brown-bag series kicks off with DIA briefing

Brown-bag series kicks off with DIA briefing
The first presentation of the InterAgency Brown-Bag Lecture Series for CGSC academic year 2021 was conducted Oct. 6, 2020, in Marshall Auditorium in the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth. Mr. Roderic C. Jackson, the Defense Intelligence Chair and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) Representative to the Combined Arms Center… Read More