FAOA chapter welcomes Ambassador Miller

FAOA chapter welcomes Ambassador Miller
Members of the Fort Leavenworth-Roger Donlon Chapter of the Foreign Area Officers Association (FAOA), along with spouses and friends met at Leavenworth’s Ten Penny Restaurant on the afternoon of March 22, 2023 to welcome Ambassador (Ret.) David Miller during his visit to Fort Leavenworth. Ambassador Miller was visiting Fort Leavenworth… Read More

Calling for Alumni Updates!

Calling for Alumni Updates!
Beginning in the Fall 2020 edition of the CGSC Foundation News magazine, we began highlighting personal updates from our alumni around the world. Our Spring 2023 edition of the magazine is coming soon and we’d like to hear from you! We’d like to continue seeing and sharing what our alumni… Read More

ARNSF – The U.S. Disciplinary Barracks History and Mission

ARNSF – The U.S. Disciplinary Barracks History and Mission
In this presentation of the forum, Lt. Col. (Ret.) Peter J. Grande will lead a discussion on the history of the United States Disciplinary Barracks (USDB) and its role as the “Center of Excellence for Military Corrections.” The USDB was established on May 21, 1874, and is the Department of… Read More

ARNSF recounts lessons learned from 2011 drawdown in Iraq

ARNSF recounts lessons learned from 2011 drawdown in Iraq
The CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center hosted an Arter-Rowland National Security Forum (ARNSF) luncheon event on March 8, 2023, at the Mission Hills Country Club in Kansas City. Simons Center Director Bob Ulin welcomed the ARNSF members, some of whom also introduced their guests. As lunch was winding down Ulin introduced… Read More

A busy spring ahead…

A busy spring ahead…
CGSC Foundation Alumni, Friends, and Supporters – Greetings from Fort Leavenworth! As we look forward to spring, our Foundation is in full swing with a variety of activities and events to execute our mission and to do good things for good people. The first week in March we will host… Read More