The Army’s Approach to Leader Development

The Army’s Approach to Leader Development
Any look at the State Department’s professional education and training programs may benefit from a corresponding review of how other agencies handle this important career development requirement. Such comparisons may help bring into sharper focus the unstated assumptions and invisible organizational values... (Editor's Note: The Army's Approach to Leader Development was published in the Foreign Service Journal in the July-August 2012, Vol. 89, No. 7-8, edition.)

No. 12/Spring 2012 (March)

No. 12/Spring 2012 (March)
The 12th edition of the CGSC Foundation News contains some great features about the activities of CGSC and the Foundation’s support of them. We welcome Lt. Gen. Perkins and are glad to learn more about his direction as our new commander/commandant on page 8.  The Foundation is also spearheading two… Read More