Enriching the Leavenworth Experience

Enriching the Leavenworth Experience
The Department of Military History, in conjunction with the CGSC Foundation, Inc., was pleased to sponsor the fourth lecture in the General of the Armies John J. Pershing Great War Commemoration Series on Sept. 10. Dr. John Kuehn gave a macro level view of the War at Sea and then… Read More

Simons Center director, founding officer and trustee retires

Simons Center director, founding officer and trustee retires
[picasa width=”400″ height=”300″ bgcolor=”#ffffff” autoplay=”1″ showcaption=”1″ user=”CGSCFoundation” album=”es_MajGenRetRaymondDBarrettJr”] Maj. Gen. Raymond D. Barrett, Jr., current director of the CGSC Foundation’s Simons Center for Interagency Cooperation, has announced his retirement from his position after five years with the Center and 10years total involvement in the CGSC Foundation. Barrett was a founding… Read More

CGSC honors Simons Center authors

CGSC honors Simons Center authors
On August 21, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) awarded 33 Golden Pen Awards to faculty members in recognition of their published scholarly works. CGSC’s Golden Pen program recognizes faculty members for their professional writing, and are broken into three categories: golden, silver, and bronze. Included among… Read More