Trustees farewell Simons Center director, learn about Army U

Trustees farewell Simons Center director, learn about Army U
[picasa width=”300″ height=”225″ bgcolor=”#ffffff” autoplay=”1″ showcaption=”1″ user=”CGSCFoundation” album=”es_CGSCFBoardMtg78OCT15″] The CGSC Foundation conducted its annual board meeting Oct. 7-8 at the Lewis and Clark Center on Fort Leavenworth. The meeting began on Oct. 7 with a short review of committee work followed by a reception in the atrium with some students… Read More

Foundation board meeting set for Oct. 7-8

Foundation board meeting set for Oct. 7-8
The CGSC Foundation Board of Trustees will conduct their next semi-annual meeting at the Lewis and Clark Center on October 7-8. The board is a very important part of any nonprofit organization as they provide for both financial support and operational oversight for the Foundation. We are fortunate that we… Read More